Rabbis, family and friends,

My job tonight is a simple one. It is basically to relax, look good for the photos and enjoy the evening. I am not a religious person, but I am a doer. As Fruma once said in a shiur I went to, that women are naturally on a higher spiritual level than men because the physical work they do elevates them spiritually to a higher level than men. Maybe that is why the men have to pray so often, they are trying to catch up to our level.

I am not going to embarrass Jeremy by singing (except one song later tonight for Shula which he has agreed is Ok to do) and I am not going to make a speech because Dennis is the barrister in the family, but I do have the very pleasant task of reading out the good wishes from a few special people and a poem from our very dear friend Dr Martin Adler, who is caring for his sick father and could not be with us tonight.

Before I read the poem I would like to thank Dennis for taking Jeremy to Shule every Friday night and Shabbat for many years, and also for all the shlepping to cheder for years while I had Sunday mornings off. I would also like to thank the Goldbergs & the Brucks who have shared the too-ing and fro-ing from St Ives both from East Ryde and now from East Lindfield, and also the Goldsteins and Geyers who have shared the driving with us this year. I would also like to thank the Barmitzvah breakfast dads who who have shown the boys the cullinary delights of french toast, and the delights of nesquik on just about anything. I would like to thank Renee & Les Mill and family for having had Jeremy numerous times for Shabbat lunch over the last year or two, it has always been an uplifting experience for him. Lastly I would like to thank Zalman for his dedication to the Jewish education of all of our children who are in the public school system. I know of no better Cheder in Sydney than Chabad Hebrew School, and I can say this as a Hebrew teacher myself, that it is one of the most thankless jobs and one of the hardest to do. If all of our children achieve even ½ of what Jeremy has achieved, then our Jewish continuity into the year 2000 and beyond is assured. I am not going to say anything to Jeremy because he’s heard it all before but Martin’s expresses so beautifully the essence of what I think about my son. Thank you "Uncle Marty" for your words today.

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